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Friday, March 14, 2008

Cell phone call into the womb

If you could have a conversation with an unborn child what would you tell them about the world there about to enter? They have no experience to relate anything to. they cant relate to anything you are telling them. They don't understand the world they are about to enter. I have been here 45 years and i still don't understand this world or the people in it. The newborn has no fears, no anxieties, no worries. They only know what instinct tells them. I am hungry, I am unconvertible,
I am cold, But they are not afraid. As we grow we become afraid of more and more.Fear mongers Churches, Rich people with hidden agendas, People who want to control us. Husbands, Wives, family, Bosses, The unknown frightens us, like death, Supernatural things we cant explain. I have spent almost all of my life being afraid of lots of things. Being afraid of the past repeating or the future not being what i want or think i need. Today i am trusting in GOD because he is capable of all this great and small. I would tell that newborn about GOD and how he is in controll and eventually he/she would grow to understand what i have told him/her

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Anonymous said...

So true!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave, I needed to be reminded of exactly that!